1 /***********************************************************************\
2 *                                 rpc.d                                 *
3 *                                                                       *
4 *                       Windows API header module                       *
5 *                                                                       *
6 *                 Translated from MinGW Windows headers                 *
7 *                                                                       *
8 *                       Placed into public domain                       *
9 \***********************************************************************/
10 module win32.rpc;
12 /* Moved to rpcdecp (duplicate definition).
13 	typedef void *I_RPC_HANDLE;
14 	alias long RPC_STATUS;
15 	// Moved to rpcdce:
16 	RpcImpersonateClient
17 	RpcRevertToSelf
18 */
20 public import win32.unknwn;
21 public import win32.rpcdce;  // also pulls in rpcdcep
22 public import win32.rpcnsi;
23 public import win32.rpcnterr;
24 public import win32.winerror;
26 alias MIDL_user_allocate midl_user_allocate;
27 alias MIDL_user_free midl_user_free;
29 extern (Windows) {
30 	int I_RpcMapWin32Status(RPC_STATUS);
31 }