A disabled default is present on this object. To use it, use one of the other constructors or a factory function.
- toDescription
Description toDescription()
Create a description from a Transform.
- updateMatrix
void updateMatrix()
Rebuilds the object's matrix.
- worldPosition
vec3f worldPosition [@property getter]
This returns the object's position relative to the world origin, not the parent.
- worldRotation
quatf worldRotation [@property getter]
This returns the object's rotation relative to the world origin, not the parent.
- Description
struct Description
The struct that will be directly deserialized from the ddl.
- owner
GameObject owner;
The object which this belongs to.
- position
vec3f position;
The position of the object in local space.
- rotation
quatf rotation;
The rotation of the object in local space.
- scale
vec3f scale;
The absolute scale of the object. Ignores parent scale.
Handles 3D Transformations for an object. Stores position, rotation, and scale and can generate a World matrix, worldPosition/Rotation (based on parents' transforms) as well as forward, up, and right axes based on rotation