1 /**
2  * Contains Prefabs and Prefab, manages creation and management of prefabs.
3  */
4 module dash.core.prefabs;
5 import dash.core, dash.components, dash.utility;
7 mixin( registerComponents!() );
9 /**
10  * Prefabs manages prefabs and allows access to them.
11  */
12 final abstract class Prefabs
13 {
14 static:
15 public:
16     /// The AA of prefabs.
17     Prefab[string] prefabs;
19     /// Allows functions to be called on this like it were the AA.
20     alias prefabs this;
22     // Not sure what this is all about, but opIndex no longer forwards as of 2.066.
23     static if( __VERSION__ > 2065 )
24     {
25         Prefab opIndex( string index )
26         {
27             if( auto fab = index in prefabs )
28             {
29                 return *fab;
30             }
31             else
32             {
33                 warningf( "Prefab %s not found.", index );
34                 return null;
35             }
36         }
38         Prefab opIndexAssign( Prefab newFab, string index )
39         {
40             prefabs[ index ] = newFab;
41             return newFab;
42         }
43     }
45     /**
46      * Load and initialize all prefabs in FilePath.Resources.Prefabs.
47      */
48     void initialize()
49     {
50         foreach( key; prefabs.keys )
51             prefabs.remove( key );
53         foreach( res; scanDirectory( Resources.Prefabs ) )
54         {
55             foreach( fabDesc; res.deserializeMultiFile!( GameObject.Description )() )
56             {
57                 auto newFab = new Prefab( fabDesc, res );
58                 prefabs[ newFab.name ] = newFab;
59                 prefabResources[ res ] ~= newFab;
60             }
61         }
62     }
64     /**
65      * Refreshes prefabs that are outdated.
66      */
67     void refresh()
68     {
69         //TODO: Implement
70     }
72 private:
73     Prefab[][Resource] prefabResources;
74 }
76 /**
77  * A prefab that allows for quick object creation.
78  */
79 final class Prefab : Asset
80 {
81 public:
82     /// The name of the prefab.
83     const(string) name() @property
84     {
85         return description.name;
86     }
87     /// The description to create objects from.
88     GameObject.Description description;
90     /// Creates a prefab from a description.
91     this( GameObject.Description desc, Resource filePath )
92     {
93         description = desc;
94         super( filePath );
95     }
97     /**
98      * Creates a GameObject instance from the prefab.
99      *
100      * Returns:
101      *  The new GameObject from the Prefab.
102      */
103     GameObject createInstance() const
104     {
105         return GameObject.create( description );
106     }
107 }