1 /**
2 * Geometry pass shader for standard meshes
3 */
4 module dash.graphics.shaders.glsl.geometry;
5 import dash.graphics.shaders.glsl;
7 package:
9 /// Standard mesh vertex shader, transforms position to screen space and normals/tangents to view space
10 immutable string geometryVS = glslVersion ~ q{
11     layout(location = 0) in vec3 vPosition_m;
12     layout(location = 1) in vec2 vUV;
13     layout(location = 2) in vec3 vNormal_m;
14     layout(location = 3) in vec3 vTangent_m;
16     out vec4 fPosition_s;
17     out vec3 fNormal_v;
18     out vec2 fUV;
19     out vec3 fTangent_v;
20     flat out uint fObjectId;
22     uniform mat4 worldView;
23     uniform mat4 worldViewProj;
24     uniform uint objectId;
26     void main( void )
27     {
28         // gl_Position is like SV_Position
29         fPosition_s = worldViewProj * vec4( vPosition_m, 1.0f );
30         gl_Position = fPosition_s;
31         fUV = vUV;
33         fNormal_v = ( worldView * vec4( vNormal_m, 0.0f ) ).xyz;
34         fTangent_v =  ( worldView * vec4( vTangent_m, 0.0f ) ).xyz;
35         fObjectId = objectId;
36     }
37 };
39 /// Saves diffuse, specular, mappedNormals (encoded to spheremapped XY), and object ID to appropriate FBO textures
40 immutable string geometryFS = glslVersion ~ q{
41     in vec4 fPosition_s;
42     in vec3 fNormal_v;
43     in vec2 fUV;
44     in vec3 fTangent_v;
45     flat in uint fObjectId;
47     layout( location = 0 ) out vec4 color;
48     layout( location = 1 ) out vec4 normal_v;
50     uniform sampler2D diffuseTexture;
51     uniform sampler2D normalTexture;
52     uniform sampler2D specularTexture;
54     vec2 encode( vec3 normal )
55     {
56         float t = sqrt( 2 / ( 1 - normal.z ) );
57         return normal.xy * t;
58     }
60     vec3 calculateMappedNormal()
61     {
62         vec3 normal = normalize( fNormal_v );
63         vec3 tangent = normalize( fTangent_v );
64         //Use Gramm-Schmidt process to orthogonalize the two
65         tangent = normalize( tangent - dot( tangent, normal ) * normal );
66         vec3 bitangent = -cross( tangent, normal );
67         vec3 normalMap = ((texture( normalTexture, fUV ).xyz) * 2) - 1;
68         mat3 TBN = mat3( tangent, bitangent, normal );
69         return normalize( TBN * normalMap );
70     }
72     void main( void )
73     {
74         color = texture( diffuseTexture, fUV );
75         // specular intensity
76         vec3 specularSample = texture( specularTexture, fUV ).xyz;
77         color.w = ( specularSample.x + specularSample.y + specularSample.z ) / 3;
78         normal_v = vec4( calculateMappedNormal(), float(fObjectId) );
79     }
80 };